English, asked by anonymousscam, 2 months ago

Tis not unknown to you, Antonio,

How much I have disabled mine estate,

By something showing a more swelling port

Than my faint means would grant continuance:

Nor do I now make moan to be abridged

For such a noble rate ;but my chief care

Is,to come fairly off from the great debts

Whereinmy time,something too prodigal,

Hath left me gaged. Toyou,Antonio,

I owe the most,in money and in love;

(1) Where is Bassanio? What is his financial condition?
(2) Do you think that Bassanio has adopted an extravagant style of living ? Do you agree /disagreewith him on this


(3) Throw light on his plans to come out of this situation?


Answered by preet7660

the story is incomplete . post it completely in order to get answers.

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