tissue short questions and answersl
What is tissue?
Tissues is group of Cells having same Function or same working
Solution 1
A group of cells common in origin and structure and perform similar function is called a tissue. Example: blood, xylem.
Solution 2
A multi-cellular organism is made up of many different types of cells. Each cell carries out a specific function. A group of cells that carries out a specific function is called a tissue. Different tissues carry out different functions. This is called division of labour. A tissue gives the highest possible efficiency of function in multi-cellular organisms.
Simple tissues are of three types:
i. Parenchyma
ii. Collenchyma
iii. Sclerenchyma
Apical meristem is found at the growing tips of stems and roots. It helps in increasing the length of stem and root.
The husk of coconut is made up of sclerenchymatous tissue.
Phloem is made up four types of elements. They are:
(i) Sieve tubes
(ii) Companion cells
(iii) Phloem parenchyma
(iv) Phloem fibres.
Muscular tissue helps in the movement of our body.
A neuron or a nerve cell consists of a cell body with a nucleus and cytoplasm. It is also called as cyton. Many long thin hair-like cytoplasmic extensions arise from the cell body called as dendrites. A single long extension is called the axon.