Title of the black aeroplane
The title of that story is = The black aeroplane or black /dark clouds.
'The Black Aeroplane ' is a story about a pilot who wants see his family and have a hearty breakfast with them.He unknowingly takes a wrong turn and he is engulfed in black clouds.All his navigation instruments go off . A black aeroplane appears mysteriously and it guides him to safety
'The Black Aeroplane ' is a story about a pilot who flies from France to England to see his family and have a hearty breakfast with them.He unknowingly takes a wrong turn and he is engulfed in black clouds.All his navigation instruments go off . A black aeroplane appears mysteriously and it guides him to safety.
The title 'The Black Aeroplane ' is justified because of the following reasons
The pilot saw a black aeroplane that guided him in the black clouds when his instruments ceased functioning.
The pilot had thoughts about seeing his family and he was ready to endanger his life in-order to see them. The thoughts were clouded by the impending storm.