To construct a Quadrilateral measure of 2 diagonals and at least _______ side measure should be given.
Its have at least five sides
Step-by-step explanation:
If the quadrilateral is irregular i.e it is not a rhombus or a parallelogram, then we need to know the lengths of all four sides plus one diagonal (i.e. at least five parts).
Example: For a quadrilateral ABCD, if we know AB=a,BC=b,CD=c,DA=d and AC=k then we can construct the unique parallelogram subjected that
a+b>k and c+d>k.
In fact we would construct two triangles △ABC and △ADC on common base AC, apexes B and D being on either side of AC, using SSS method.
Given : To construct a Quadrilateral measure of 2 diagonals and at least _______ side measure should be given.
To Find : Fill in the blank to find how many sides
To construct a Quadrilateral measure of 2 diagonals and at least THREE (3) side measure should be given.
To Construct a Quadrilateral we need at least 5 length ( if no angle is given )
Either 4 sides and any one diagonal
or any 3 sides and 2 diagonals
Hence correct answer would be :
To construct a Quadrilateral measure of 2 diagonals and at least THREE (3) side measure should be given.
Learn More:
Construct kite ABCD in which AB = BC = 6 cm. AD = CD = 4 cm and AC=6cm