To determine R and S, the CIP sequence rule is used, can someone explain CIP sequence rule properly and how to apply it?
When I read about this in my book, it was just written that the actual 3-D arrangement of groups, in a molecule containing asymmetric carbon is Absolute Configuration. Now in this they said, the molecules could be assigned either R configuration or the S configuration. And to determine that they used the CIP sequence rule, in which, with an eg CFClBrI (F, Cl, Br and I attached to C). They gave I the highest priority and then Br lower than that and then Cl and then F. Now it was easy to the understand the sequence here, because it's clear that they used the atomic no., to prioritize. But if other groups, like any alkyl group, or a functional group is attached, how can we prioritize them?
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I guess you want to ask that what if the first atom is same for eg if ch3 and aldehyde are given which one should be given priority if so then first atom being same we go on to net atom with highest atomic no. In case of ch3 it is h while in case of aldehyde it is O so aldehude will be given priority
yes you are correct, but what if the groups are like this, in one side it is COOH and in another side it is CN , what should we then?
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