To determine the boltzmann constant using v-i characteristics of pn junction diode.
A semiconductor device's essential part is the junction between p-type materials and n-type materials. The simplest device is called a diode, consisting of a material of p-type and material of n-type with a boundary or junction between them.
The density of electrons in the n-type material is much higher near the junction than in the p-type material, so random thermal motion results in a net diffusion of electrons from the n-material to the p-material.
These electrons recombine with holes in the material of the p-type, resulting in an area depleted with holes in the material of the p-type near the junction.
This depletion zone has a net negative charge as it still has the remaining fixed negative ions (acceptor atoms). An analogous phenomenon in the n-type material near the junction leads to the depletion of electrons.
In order to spread across the junction, a majority carrier would need sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the Vo barrier potential, and according to Boltzmann, ee−eVV0/kkt is the likelihood of a given electron at temperature T.

To determine the boltzmann constant using v-i characteristics of pn junction diode