Math, asked by 4423prabhjotlps10c, 7 months ago

To find the height of the tree, a group of boy scouts devised the following

method.A boy walks towards the tree along its shadow until the shadow of

the top of his head coincides with the shadow of the top of the tree. If the

boy is 90 cm tall,his distance to the foot of the tree is 7.5m and the length

of his shadow is 1.5 m, how tall is the tree?​


Answered by crackmehkma7172


Answer by stanbon(75887) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!

A girl walks towards the tree along its shadow until the shadow of the top of her head coincides with the shadow of the top of the tree. If the girl is 150 cm tall, her distance to the foot of the tree is 15 m, and the lenght of her shadow is 3 m, how tall is the tree?


Draw the picture.

You have two overlapping right triangles with proportional sides.


tree height/shadow of tree = girl height/shadow of girl


h/(15+3) = 1.5/3


h/18 = 1/2

height of the tree = 9 meters



Stan H.

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