To have a fair complexion is an obsession in our society. Demand for fair brides in matrimonial columns and sale of fairness creams are evidence enough. Write an article in 150 – 200 words giving your views on ―Beautiful mind, better than a fair complexion. You are Natwar/Nimmi. Use the following clues :
the West, people like to be tanned fair complexion, only skin deep beautiful mind attitude to life behavior in society, etc.
To have a flair complexion is an obsession in our
Beautiful Mind Better Than Fair Complexion
by Nimmi
The famous idiom ‘beauty is only skin-deep’ which means a person’s physical appearance is less important than his character is enough to convey that beauty of mind is more important than beautiful complexion. Beautiful complexion may appeal to the senses, but beauty of the mind appeals to the soul.
It has been seen that fair complexioned women have always been synonymous with conflicts and wars. For example, Helen of Sparta, for whom thousands of soldiers had to die in vain. Even in the contemporary times we see so many controversies surrounding the so called fair-complexioned women or men.
Someone has very wisely said: ‘Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul.’ Really beautiful people are those whose mind is beautiful and an people who think beautiful thoughts and do beautiful deeds. Personages such as Jesus, Lincoln, Einstein, Helen Keller, Mother Teresa, Mahatma, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Vivekananda, Yoganada , Dr. Kalam, etc.
In conclusion it can be said that fair complexioned beauty is temporary, but beauty of mind is eternal.