to input roll no,name and 5subject marks of a student and calculate total and percentage print roll no,name,total no. of subject and percentage using nested loop.
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/* C program to Find Total, Average, and Percentage of Five Subjects */
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int english, chemistry, computers, physics, maths;
float Total, Average, Percentage;
printf("Please Enter the marks of five subjects: \n");
scanf("%d%d%d%d%d", &english, &chemistry, &computers, &physics, &maths);
Total = english + chemistry + computers + physics + maths;
Average = Total / 5;
Percentage = (Total / 500) * 100;
printf("Total Marks = %.2f\n", Total);
printf("Average Marks = %.2f\n", Average);
printf("Marks Percentage = %.2f", Percentage);
return 0;
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