English, asked by sabastinm, 3 months ago

To maintain a harassment-free workplace, we should discourage
O Frequent breaks during work hours
Any misconduct
Working overtime
O Team outings during weekends​


Answered by sushree2033



Workplace harassment is behavior, conduct, actions and statements made to or about an individual or a group of individuals, which creates an uncomfortable work environment for the targeted persons and those offended but not directly targeted. Anti-discrimination laws address harassment in regulations that prohibit discriminatory employment practices. A hostile work environment is a tandem allegation usually claimed when an employee complains of harassment. Through effective and comprehensive training methods, employers can eliminate and prevent workplace harassment. Companies that invest in training to prevent harassment demonstrate their concern for providing a safe working environment for their employees.

Develop Comprehensive Policies

Write a policy that describes different forms of harassment and, if possible, provide scenarios to further explain what happens when unwelcome conduct becomes harassment. Many employers purchase videos that depict workplace harassment; however, you can construct a policy statement that conveys the same message contained in a training film. If you decide to use a training film, ask for sample videos that are up-to-date and relevant to your business or industry.

Seek Legal Counsel

Call your company's attorney for professional legal advice on your written policy; ask her to review the policy for completeness and to ensure the policy clearly defines harassment in accordance with federal, state and local employment laws. You may also contact your regional or district office of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for technical guidance on preparing anti-harassment policy statements. The EEOC enforces Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which is one of the laws that prohibit discriminatory employment practices.

Develop In-Depth Training

Speak to your human resources department training specialist about developing a training session that specifically addresses workplace harassment. The training should be appropriate for all levels of employees from hourly to salary, and from frontline workers to executive leadership. The Society for Human Resources Management emphasizes that training should be designed for individual employee groups. Take-aways or written policy statements impact how much information is retained; distribute copies of your company's anti-harassment policy.

Include in the training session your company procedure for reporting, investigating and resolving harassment complaints. The typical process is for the employee to first address the issue with his supervisor, then his manager. If he is uncomfortable discussing the subject with his supervisor or manager, the employee should then visit your company's employee relations specialist or another human resources specialist.

Announce schedules for mandatory attendance at these training sessions. If you have employees who work varied shifts or outside normal business hours, arrange training sessions to accommodate their schedules. If employees who fall into this category attend training during non-work hours, remind them that it is mandatory, paid training. Inform employees that if they fail to attend mandatory training that they are subject to discipline, up to and including, termination. Training is one of the most important solutions to harassment in the workplace.

Provide a Complaint Process

Act immediately to investigate complaints of harassment. These matters are within the purview of your employee relations specialist. Several litigated harassment claims include allegations that the employer sat on a complaint without fully investigating it. Remind all training session attendees that investigations require full cooperation from the employee, the alleged harasser and any witnesses to the alleged harassment.

Update Your Employee Handbook

Revise your employee handbook to include your company's position on workplace harassment. Best practices in the human resources professional community suggest that policy statements be revised periodically. Ensure the policy is always consistent with employment laws and applicable legislative changes. If your anti-harassment policy statement was not previously a part of your employee handbook, produce new handbooks and distribute them to your entire work force.

Provide Support for Employees

Make your human resources department available to answer any questions employees have about the training or incidents of harassment. Update and reissue the policy statement every year, and provide training every year. Obtain a signed acknowledgment form from every attendee indicating she understands the company policy against harassment and file signed acknowledgments in employment files stored in the human resources department.

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