To observe refraction and lateral deviation of a beam of light readings
Literal deviation
To observe refraction and lateral deviation of a beam of light readings, you need the following apparatus.
1. Scale 2. Drawing pins 3. A white paper sheet
4. a pencil 5. A protractor
Refraction through the glass slab occurs when a ray of light hits the slab. A refraction emerges from the medium in an equivalent direction to that of the incident ray. However, the refraction undergoes a lateral displacement (d) with a relative thickness (t) of the medium.
The lateral displacement will be d= sin (i-r) or t sec
“r” refers to the refraction angle and “i” refers to the incidence angle.
The results are the light ray that emerges from the medium is laterally displaced and is parallel to the incident light. Moreover, an increase in the slab’s thickness is directly proportional to the emergent ray’s lateral displacement.