Chemistry, asked by bhavanavimal5657, 1 year ago

To prepare standard solution of oxalic acid using chemical balance


Answered by Anonymous

a watch glass, wash it with distilled water and then dry it.

Weigh the clean and dried watch glass accurately and record its weight in the note book.


Weigh 3.150 g oxalic acid on the watch glass accurately and record this weight in the note-book.

Transfer gently and carefully the oxalic acid from the watch glass into a clean 250 ml beaker. Wash the watch glass with distilled water with the help of a wash bottle to transfer the particles sticking to it into the beaker [Fig].

The volume of distilled water for this purpose should not be more than 50 ml.

Dissolve oxalic acid crystals in the beaker by gentle stirring with a clean glass rod.

When the oxalic acid in the beaker is completely dissolved, transfer carefully the entire solution from the beaker into a 250 ml measuring flask (volumetric flask) with the help of a funnel [Fig].


Wash the beaker with distilled water. Transfer the washings into the measuring flask [Fig].

Finally wash the funnel well with distilled water with the help of a wash bottle to transfer the solution sticking to the funnel into the measuring flask [Fig].

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