to set the font for a single link where do you add the <font></font> tags?
(a)in the <head>tag
(b) outside the <a> and <a> tag
(c) inside the <a> and <a> tag
(d) none of the above.
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(c) inside the <a> and <a> tag
To set the font for a single link where do you add the <font></font> tags:
- A hyperlink is defined by the <a> tag and is used to connect pages. The href attribute of the <a> element, which denotes the location of the link, is its most crucial component.
- An anchor is a sentence that appears at the start and/or end of a hypertext link. The text that appears between the opening tag and the closing tag represents either the link's start or end (or both). The anchor tag has the following characteristics. Optional HREF.
- The unique identity of an element (a link) is specified using an anchor tag ID. Unique is the operative word here; while the same id may be used throughout the site, it cannot appear twice on the same page. Anchor tag ids are frequently abbreviated as "a ids," but you shouldn't call them that.
- With the <a> tag, assign the ID attribute. The same method we use to create hyperlinks can be used to attach an ID to a header using the a tag.
- An HTML link should have the ID property. You will utilize the href attribute to generate the anchor link.