To store 100 integer number which of the following is
Array or Structure
State the reason
n this section, we consider a fundamental construct known as the array. An array stores a sequence of values that are all of the same type. We want not just to store values but also to be able to quickly access each individual value. The method that we use to refer to individual values in an array is to number and then index them—if we have n values, we think of them as being numbered from 0 to n−1.
Arrays in Java. Making an array in a Java program involves three distinct steps:
Declare the array name.
Create the array.
Initialize the array values.
We refer to an array element by putting its index in square brackets after the array name: the code a[i] refers to element i of array a[]. For example, the following code makes an array of n numbers of type double, all initialized to 0:
double[] a; // declare the array
a = new double[n]; // create the array
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) // elements are indexed from 0 to n-1
a[i] = 0.0; // initialize all elements to 0.0
Typical array-processing code. contains typical examples of using arrays in Java.
examples of array processing
Programming with arrays. Before considering more examples, we consider a number of important characteristics of programming with arrays.
Zero-based indexing. We always refer to the first element of an array a[] as a[0], the second as a[1], and so forth. It might seem more natural to you to refer to the first element as a[1], the second value as a[2], and so forth, but starting the indexing with 0 has some advantages and has emerged as the convention used in most modern programming languages.
Array length. Once we create an array, its length is fixed. You can refer to the length of an a[] in your program with the code a.length.
Default array initialization. For economy in code, we often take advantage of Java's default array initialization convention. For example, the following statement is equivalent to the four lines of code at the top of this page:
double[] a = new double[n];
The default initial value is 0 for all numeric primitive types and false for type boolean.
Memory representation. When you use new to create an array, Java reserves space in memory for it (and initializes the values). This process is called memory allocation.
Bounds checking. When programming with arrays, you must be careful. It is your responsibility to use legal indices when accessing an array element.
Setting array values at compile time. When we have a small number of literal values that we want to keep in array, we can initialize it by listing the values between curly braces, separated by a comma. For example, we might use the following code in a program that processes playing cards.
String[] SUITS = {
"Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades"