To what extent can intrapersonal conflict affect: communication in relationships and choice of a career
Community Organisation is one of the primary methods of social work. It deals with intervention in the communities to solve the community problems. As a method of social work community organisation can solve the problems of many people in the community through their collective involvement
To what extent can interpersonal conflict affect: communication in relationships choice of a career.
Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages: it is face-to-face communication.
The process by which individuals exchange massages and ideas affect their relationships and career choices both in positive and negative way
Positive aspects
It leads to free and fair involvement in a conversation which is directed towards the sucessful of the relationship.
The interpersonal communication leads to good relationship and career choices and makes it to god relationships and hence understanding among the others.
It has led to a successful group work due to share of new information and skills among the collegues in a working environment.
Negative aspects
Can be compromised due to individual mood swings and hence can make it impossible to freely share the ideas