English, asked by lokeshgovindaraj587, 11 months ago

To whom did the sanyasi pray in his heart before being executed?​


Answered by SparshaM

In the Kingdom of Fools

  • Sanyasi prayed to his guru in his heart before being executed.

  • The servants brought him to the place of execution place 'to fit the stake' as he was fat enough for it. At last his guru came and rescued him from the trouble. In his 'In the Kingdom of Fools', Ramanujan explained beautifully how a fool can be dangerous.

Answered by upenderjoshi28


The sanyasi prayed to his guru in his heart before being executed. In his prayer he asked him to help him.


This question is from the chapter In the Kingdom of Fools. It is an amusing story describing beautifully the nature and behavior of foolish people. The story is a famous Kannada folktale. A wise guru and his disciple once reach a kingdom of fools; the disciple gets tempted to stay there, although his guru wants to leave it immediately. The disciple gets in trouble and realises his mistake. And then he prays to his guru for help.

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