Biology, asked by dezisharma1983, 4 months ago

To write the structure and function of the common cell organelles in plants and animals.​


Answered by Shivaanidinesh


Hey mate here is ur answer... But pls mark me as brainliest


Endoplasmic reticulum (ER):

• The endoplasmic reticulum is a complex network of membranous system in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.

• It is absent in prokaryotic cells and matured RBCs of mammals.

• ER occurs in three forms: Cisternae (i.e., closed, fluid-filled sacs), vesicles and tubules.

• ER is of two types:

1. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) with ribosomes attached on its surface for synthesizing proteins.

2. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) which is without ribosomes and is meant for secreting lipids.


1. ER provides mechanical support to the cell.

2. It forms intracellular transporting system.

3. It forms new nuclear membrane after every cell division.

4. SER takes part in the synthesis of lipids.

5. RER is concerned with the transport of proteins which are synthesized by ribosomes on their surface.

6. SER helps in the functioning of enzymes and hormones to carry out biochemical activities.

7. SER detoxifies many poisons and drugs from the cell.

8. Proteins and fat molecules produced by ER help in membrane biogenesis.

Golgi complex (Golgi apparatus or Golgi body):

• Golgi complex was discovered by Camillo Golgi (1898). Golgi complex occurs in almost all eukaryotic cells. It is not found in prokaryotic cells.

• Golgi apparatus consists of a set of membrane-bounded, fluid-filled vesicles, vacuoles and flattened cisternae (closed sacs). Cisternae are usually stacked together in parallel rows.

• The plant cells contain many freely distributed subunits of Golgi apparatus, called Dictyosomes.


1. Golgi complex is primarily associated with the secretory activities of the cell.

2. It is involved in the synthesis of cell wall, plasma membrane and lysosomes.

3. It is involved in the formation of cell plate during cell division.

4. Dictyosomes in plant serve as temporary storage place for proteins and other synthesized products.


• Ribosomes are dense, spherical and granular particles which occur freely in cytoplasm or remain attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (RER).

• Chemically ribosomes are made up of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and proteins.

• They are present both in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Function: Ribosomes help in the process of protein synthesis. They are, therefore, called the protein factories of the cell.


• Mitochondria were first seen by Kolliker (1880) in muscle cells but Benda (1898) named them as mitochondria.

• They are present in eukaryotic cell but absent in prokaryotic cells.

• Mitochondria exist in variable shapes (cylindrical, rod-shaped, and spherical) and size (0.2mm-2mm).

• Each mitochondrion is enclosed by a double membrane of lipoprotein. The outer membrane is smooth whereas inner membrane forms irregular series of folds called cristae.

• The inner cavity of mitochondria is filled with gel-like proteinaceous matrix which contains a few small-sized ribosomes, respiratory enzymes, and a circular DNA molecule.


1. Mitochondria are the sites of cellular respiration, where energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is formed. That is why they are called the powerhouses of the cell. ATP is the energy currency of the cell

2. Since mitochondria have their own ribosomes and DNA, they can synthesize their own proteins, and they are self-duplicating units. So, they are regarded as semiautonomous organelles.

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