Toasted English summary

According to the author R.K. Narayan, ‘toasted English’ refers to English muffins which, though being made in America, now retain ‘English’ as a sort of concession to their origin.The result of ‘toasting’ of English in America has led to the abandonment of formalism surrounding the use of the English language.The Americans prefer using shorter sentences which are to the point, leaving no room for ambiguity. Some examples of this are, instead of using passive voice on signboards, direct instructions are given like ‘Don’t enter’, ‘Newly painted’, ‘Don’t walk’, ‘Go’, etc. ‘The American National Expression’ refers to the word ‘check’ which is used with multiple meaning. It can be used in different situations. Exaggerating the point, the author says that even if someone is ever hard up for a noun or a verb he may safely utter the word ‘check’ and feel confident that it will fit in.The author approves simplified instructions that Americans use, especially for signboards in public places and for motorists like the word ‘go’ as they can be easily followed without peering out and studying the notice. He, however, disapproves the way the American English disrespects the rule of law and the dignity of grammar when someone says something like ‘Wer U goin, man?’The author R.K. Narayan visualizes that Bharat English would respect the rule of law and maintain the dignity of grammar. He said that the Bharat brand would have to come to the dusty street, to the market place, under the banyan tree and have a swadeshi stamp about it unmistakably, like the Madras handloom check shirt or the Tirupati doll.