today all modem are made in which technology
Verify your ISP is using the same standard that you are using. If your ISP only provides X2 technology, then you are only going to be able to connect at high speeds with an X2 modem. Today, this should no longer be a problem.
The 56k technology does not work over a digital line. Most homes use an analog line, but some offices and hotels use digital lines.
Finally, verify your ISP is not at fault and test the phone lines by trying a different ISP or another computer. With some phone systems and the distance to the central office, you may not be able
The 56k technology was a Modem technology that offered a faster solution for end users and SOHO. When originally introduced, two technologies emerged: X2, which was developed by UsRobotics, and KFlex, which was introduced by Lucent and Rockwell. Unfortunately, with competing standards this caused confusion and difficulties for end-users and the ISP (Internet service provider). For example, if an end-user had an X2 modem, but the ISP only had KFlex modems, the end-user would be unable to achieve the optimal performance.