English, asked by angelabequi, 11 months ago

today, do we to trust or distrust our fellowmen?


Answered by beccaam1102


It honestly all depends on the situation or persons


Answered by ksadhna049


Let’s look around, hear the news on television or radio, or simply browse the internet. We can hear of crimes everywhere. Different crimes are committed everywhere, big and small ones. Crimes are committed not only by strangers but also by family members, friends or someone who are close to them. How can we give our trust on our fellowmen? When we go out of our house, we have to be extra cautious. Crimes are everywhere. We do not know who criminals are and who are not. Criminals are everywhere, murderer, kidnapper, snatcher, rapist or riding in tandem, they are everywhere. We never know when they will attack. We never know, they may get something important from us or worst, they might end our life. How can we give our trust on our fellowmen? Crime can also happen inside our house. We never now, criminals can also enter our house by force to get something valuable and they are ready to kill. Sometimes, house helpers also commit crime with their masters. If crimes can happen even in our own home, how can we give our trust on our fellowmen? In the government, there are corruptions starting from our national government down to the smallest unit which is the barangay. Even our past presidents were accused of corruption. Government offices are housed by corrupt officialsOfficials are busy arguing which of their co-officers should be jailed. Everybody is busy covering their own mistakes. If we can’t trust government officials whom we have elected to serve us, how can we give our trust on our fellowmen? Policemen and military men must protect the civilians. But, we all know many of them are abusive. Many are just hiding with their uniforms, others are behind politicians whom they are also protecting. Many of them are using their authority to abuse civilians. Many of them are accused, but not all of them are put behind bars. If policemen and military men are the ones

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