How to self-quarantine in the times of the novel coronavirus
Krishna PrivaPallavi
New Del
March 13, 2020
With more than 1,24,330 people infected and 4.900 dead globally due to the novel coronavirus,
the outbreak of COVID-19 has caused a global panic. As the novel coronavirus spreads, self-
quarantine has become a buzzword as health facilities are overwhelmed with people who have
contracted the virus. Doctors say not all patients need intensave care but all need to be isolated or
quarantined. Sell-quarantine is the most effective way to contain the spread of the coronavírus.
An isolation period involves individuals or families staying within their homes and avoiding any
physical contact with those outside. Quarantine also means not going to work, classes, malls,
events or other social gatherings in this period. The period of 14 days has been suggested by
health experts based on estimates, as symptoms for COVID-19 show up after an average of five
days. In the given period, only people who usually live in the household should be in the home.
With governments mnouncing shutdowns and advising to avoid large public gatherings, more
and more people are leaning towards the prospect of self-quarantine
- The first step: report any symptoms of COVID-19 immediately.
- Monitor your temperature with a thermometer at least twice a day. Watch for symptoms like
fever, dry cough fatigue, sore throat, headache or difficulty in breathing.
- Do not leave your mom
-If you are staying with family at home, stay away from them as much as possible (about 6 feet
or 2 meters of distance) Staying in a separate room and using a separate bathroom, if available.
is preferable. Also, avoid having any visitors at home during this time.
- If you need to seek medical care, call ahead to ensure you are going to the right place and
inform your doctor about your recent travels Wear a mask while visiting hospitals and when you
are around people
- Keep tissues and hand anitizers that have at least 60 per cent alcohol right next to your bed
Always discard used tissues in a bin
- Repeatedly wash and clean common surfaces like counters, table-tops, doorknobs, bathroom
fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tables and bedside table to avoid spreading the virus.
- Avoid coughing in someone else's direction and cover your mouth while coughing and
sneezing with your upper arm or a tissue at all times. Also, wash your hands frequently with soap
and water or use alcohol-based sanitizers, with at least 60 per cent alcohol content
- While in self-quarantine, it is also important to avoid sharing household items like drinking
glasses, towels, eating utensils, bedding or any other ilems with someone else
- Stay in a room that is well ventilated - use an air conditioner or open windows
- If during quarantine your health starts worsening, immediately contact your doctor and let them
know of the symptoms.
- Wear clothes that have been washed properly and stock up on food for the quarantine period.
Choose meals that require less work and are stress free.
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Answered by
Covid19 is a dangerous virus which doesn't have any medicine. the symptoms of the virus is cold, fever, breathing problem.
we must have to follow the instructions given by government. use mask when you go out side.
please don't give shake hands to anyone.
wash your hands properly 8-12times for a day. don't go to any tour's. because many members plan to go to tours in holidays. don't eat junk food now a days. and also don't drink cold water. more than 100000 people affected by virus.
Always don't go to outside. eat the food which increase our resistant power
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