English, asked by EraMadison2002, 3 months ago

Today's riddle


Jack is placed in a cell with a dirt floor and only one window positioned so high no one could reach it. The cell is empty except for a shovel. It's dry and hot in there, but Jack won't get any food or drink anytime soon. He has only 2 days to break out of the jail. If not – he'll die.

Digging a tunnel is not an option because it'll take more than 2 days. How should Jack escape the cell?​


Answered by DevKundu21

This riddle is so tricky and interesting.

But after reading it I found two clues.

1 ) . Jack is placed in a cell with a dirt floor and only one window positioned so high no one could reach it. (There is no other way to escape except window)

2 ). The cell is empty except for a shovel.

Answer :

He will collect the dirt with the help of shovel present in the cell to make a heap of dirt, higher enough to reach the window. Then after that he can climb up on the hip and can easily escape through the window.

Answered by jashwant10108


He will take the shovel and make a more convenient way to go to the window

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