Today, Shubham is very busy with a string. He is observing the journey of each character of the string. Journey of a character in the string can be defined as the array of locations coordinates at which the character is present in the string.
For example in string "vivekanand"
Journey of 'v':- [0,2]
Journey of 'i':- [1]
Journey of 'e':- [3]
Journey of 'k':- [4]
Journey of 'a':- [5,7]
Journey of 'n':- [6,8]
Journey of 'd':- [9]
Journey of a character is said to be "marvellous" if the sum journey of the character is greater than sum journey of any other character in the string.
Sum journey of character in the string can be defined as the sum of all the location coordinates in its path.
Can you find the lexicographically smallest character whose journey is marvellous.
Input Format
The only line of input consists of a single string, S.
1<= |S| <=1e9
String contains only Lowercase English alphabets.
Output Format
Print a character C which represents lexicographically smallest character whose journey is marvellous and an integer I which represents sum journey of the character space-separated.
Sample TestCase 1
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Difficulty Level : Easy
Last Updated : 14 May, 2021
Given a string S consisting of lowercase alphabets. The task is to find the lexicographically smallest string X of the same length only that can be formed using the operation given below:
In a single operation, select any one character among the at most first K characters of string S, remove it from string S and append it to string X. Apply this operation as many times as he wants.
Input: str = “gaurang”, k=3
Output: agangru
Remove ‘a’ in the first step and append to X.
Remove ‘g’ in the second step and append to X.
Remove ‘a’ in the third step and append to X.
Remove ‘n’ in the third step and append to X.
Pick the lexicographically smallest character at every step from the first K characters to get the
string “agangru”
Input: str = “geeksforgeeks”, k=5
Output: eefggeekkorss