English, asked by swathiswathi5967, 7 months ago

Tommy's mother said, 'I will teach him my self',. change it into direct or indirect speech​


Answered by adityaprataps579





486. Study the following sentences :---

1). Mohan said, " I am working hard for the examination."

2). Mohan said that he was working hard for the examination.

*) In the first sentence, the actual words of the speaker are quoted. This is called

Direct Speech.

*) In the second sentence, we give the substance of what the speaker said or without

quoting his exact words. This is called Indirect ( Reported ) Speech.

Rules for changing Direct Speech into Indirect

487. When changing the Direct into Indirect certain grammatical changes have to be made.

The following rules will make the whole thing clear :---

RULE 1. If the Reporting Verb is a Past Tense, the tense of the Verb in the Reported

Speech must be changed to the Past Tense. To work out this rule in detail, the

following special rules must be observed :---

(1) The Present tense ( in the Reported Speech ) must be changed to corresponding

Past form. In other words, we should change :--

*) Reporting Verb *) Reported Speech

Direct. : He said " Tom shall come " ......Present.

Indirect. : He said that Tom should come. .......Past.

Direct. : He said, " Bush will come." .....Present.

Indirect. : He said that Bush would come. .....Past.

Direct. : He said, " Sofia may come. " .....Present.

Indirect. : He said that Sofia might come. .....Past.

Direct. : He said, " Karena can come. " .....Present.

Indirect. : He said that Karena could come. .....Past.

Direct. : He said, " John comes." .....Simple Present.

Indirect. : He said that John came. ......Simple Past

Direct. : He said, " Jack is coming." .....Present Continued.

Indirect. : He said that Jack was coming. .....Past Continued.

Direct. : He said, " Jerry has come." .....Pres. Perfect.

Indirect. : He said that Jerry had come. .....Past Perfect.

Direct. : He said, " Sweety has been coming." .....Pres. Per. Con.

Indirect. : He said that Sweety had been coming. .....Past. Per. Con.

(2) The Simple past Tense ( in the Reported Speech ) is often, but not always, changed

to the Past Perfect ; as,

Direct. : Ali said, " I drank water after the meal."

Indirect. : Ali said that he drank water after the meal. (past )

Direct. : He said, " Ali was playing hockey."

Indirect. : He said that Ali had been playing hockey

(3) The Past Continuous tense ( in the Reported Speech ) must be changed to the Past

Perfect Continuous ; as,

Direct. : He said, " Sitar was dancing."

Indirect. : He said that Sits had been dancing.

Direct. : He said, " Ali was playing hockey."

Indirect. : He said that Ali had been playing hockey.

NOTE :-- Exception to Rule 1. If the Reported Speech relates to some universal or

habitual fact, the Simple Present tense in the Reported Speech remains

unchanged ; as,

Direct. : He said, " Man is mortal."

Indirect. : He said that man is mortal.

Direct. : He proved, " The earth is round. "

Indirect. : He proved that the earth is round.

Direct. : Sofa said, " Virtue is its own reward."

Indirect. : Sitar said that virtue is its own reward.

RULE 2. If the reporting Verb is a Present or Future tense, the tense of the verb in the

Reported Speech is not changed at all.

Direct. : The servant says, " Tea is ready."

Indirect. : The servant says that tea is ready.

Direct. : The teacher will say, " The boy was dull."

Indirect. : The teacher will say that the boy was dull.

RULE 3. ( Change in Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives ). Pronouns and Possessive

Adjectives, of the First and Second Persons in Direct Speech, are changed

into the Third Person in Direct Speech.

I, you (singular ), my, your become he, she, his, her.

We, you (plural), our, your become they, their.

Direct. : Rama said, " I am ill."

Indirect. : Rama said that he was ill.

Direct. : He said, " My pen is lost."

Indirect. : He said that his pen was lost.

: He said that he approved of his partnership with him.

[ OR ]

He said that he approved of his ( Morgan's ) partn

RULE 4. In the Reported Speech, the words expressing nearness are changed into words

expressing distance.

Direct. : The teacher said, " I am busy now. "

Indirect. : The teacher said that he was busy then.

Direct. : He said, " It may rain tomorrow."

Indirect. : He said that it might rain the next day.

Direct. : He said, " Last night I met a fool."

Indirect. : He said that he had met a fool the previous night.

Direct. : He said, " I met this man two days ago. "

Indirect. : He said that he had met that man two days before.

NOTE ----- Bear in mind that if this, here, now, etc., refer to things present before the

person during the delivery of the speech, no change is required in the

Reported Speech.

Direct. : Azaleas said, " This is the pen I like. "

Indirect. : Azalea said that this ( the pen in his hand ) was the pen he liked.

Direct. : The leader said, " I will fight now or never."

Indirect. : The leader said that he would fight now or never.

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