Tommy thought the old books were funny and big waste. Why?
Tommy thought that the old books were a waste because the words stood still and did not run. He also thought that they were a big waste because they could not be reused like the screen of their mechanical teacher.
Tommy thought that the old books were a waste because the words stood still and did not run, and they were living in the age of moving e-texts. He also concluded them to be a big waste because they could not be reused like the screen of their mechanical teacher.
The story 'The Fun They Had' was written by Isaac Asimov. It is a story of two young children named Tommy and Margie who live in the year 2157. They get an education through computers in their home. One day they come to know about the school that existed hundreds and hundreds of years ago. It is a matter of great surprise for them because they are living in the age of moving e-texts. Tommy thought that the old books were a waste because the words stood still and did not run, and they were living in the age of moving e-texts. He also concluded them to be a big waste because they could not be reused like the screen of their mechanical teacher.