English, asked by vinitas923, 1 year ago

Tomorrow is my ASL and my topic is photography and I want 3 minute speech on this topic​


Answered by zoimparekh



sure you are all are familiar with the saying “A pictures worth a thousand words.” But, when you take photographs and then present them to your friends or just put them online do they manage to wow them or do they manage to leave you trying to explain what the heck is going on?Photography is a lot more than just picking up any camera and snapping away at anything and everything.As an amateur Photographer; taking photographs has been an interest of mine since I was in high school so I’ve managed to learn quite a few tips and tricks to help mecreate some of my greatest pictures. So that’s why today, I’m going to explain: first, how to choose the right camera for your style of photography, and second, how to setup the perfect shot for your photos.We’ll begin with the process of choosing the right equipment.The right equipment is essential with helping produce memorable photos. Your choice in a camera is a quick way to make or break your pictures but how do you choose the right camera?The first step in taking memorable photographs is choosing the right camera. There are three important factors to consider when purchasing your camera. The basic choices of cameras are either film or digital. As professional photographer Ken Rockwell said in his 2006 web article ‘Film vs Digital Photography’, film and digital cameras capture completely different media, they each serve a different purpose. Professionals claim that film is superior, and they are correct as noted by once again by Ken Rockwell in the cases of “photography for reproduction and large fine prints.” Film pictures can be quite expensive when considering the cost and time it takes to develop and print your photos. Worth noting is that Digital Cameras themselves are more expensive than Film Cameras but the operating cost of digital is nearly zero. Another important

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