Too much Involvement/utilisation of the nature and
natural resources by human affects the entire ecosystem.
Do you feel that by destroying the nature human can
exist alone in the earth? If not how do we behave
further?. As a responsible citizen, what all behavioural
changes you wish to bring yourself? Suggest any 5 ways
spamming and unnecessary answer may lead to account ban
The way humans are living is tremendously destructive towards nature. The way we find our food, the way we make our clothes, the way we create and use our technological devices — almost everything we do is detrimental to the health of the Earth. We are destroying the land, the sea, the air, the forests, the animals and pretty much everything else. We are literally murdering our planet.
Key terms
Term Meaning
Biodiversity The variety of organisms in an ecosystem
Renewable resources Resources that are replaced as quickly as they are used
Nonrenewable resources Resources that are limited in supply because they are used faster than can be replaced
Conservation The study of the loss of Earth's biodiversity and the ways this loss can be prevented