English, asked by toppr1029, 6 months ago

Would you say that Raymond changed from the beginning to the end of
the story? Give suitable examples to support, thus analyzing his


Answered by navdeepkaur240306


Ut comes to the United States from Vietnam along with her father and siblings. Ut misses her mother who has had to stay behind in Vietnam because there is not enough money to bring everyone to America. Ut must deal with the cruel children in her school who make fun of her wardrobe and the way she speaks. One boy in particular, Raymond, is being exceptionally cruel. It isn't until Raymond is told to write Ut's story that a friendship begins. It is Raymond who thinks of a perfect way to get Ut's mother to America.

Angel Child, Dragon Child is a book that deals with the immigration experience. The reader is drawn to Ut's courage in moving to a far away country. She is brave in school acting like an "angel" until the children make fun of her, turning her into a "dragon". Michele Maria Surat writes about Vietnamese culture. The reader is drawn to the type of dress that Ut and her sister wear. Surat gives word pronunciations for the Vietnamese words that she uses. She explains the difference of Ut's "true" name, Hoa, and her "home" name which is Ut.

The idea for this book came from teaching Vietnamese students. Surat was impressed by her students that came from Vietnam and the courage they had in creating a new life in America. (less)


thank you ...♡

toppr1029: thanks
navdeepkaur240306: wlc
Answered by tadivakaharitha25102


Resource planning is essential for the sustainable existence of all forms of life. This shows that resource planning is needed at the national, regional, state and local levels for the balanced development of a country.

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