Topic Coal and Petroleum
Date olSubmis
0.1 Multiple Choice question (Choose the correct option)
(A) Wheb poisonous gus is formed as a result of incomplete combustion?
(a) Coal Gas
Carbon Monoxide
(c) Carbon Dioxide (d) Nitrogen Droxide
(B) To extinguish a flame, which of these methods can be used
(a) Reduce temperature to below ignition temperature (b) Remove combustible substance
(c) Cut off air supply
(d) Any one of these
(C) The hottest zone of a candle flame is
(a) Non Luminous Zone
(b) Luminous Zone
(c) Dark Zone
(d) Blue Zone at the base of the wiok
(D) Which of these is a solid pollutant?
(a) SPN
(b) Carbon Monoxide (c) Nitrogen Dioxide (d) Sulphur Dioxide
(E) Which of these fuels has the highest calorific value?
(a) CNG
(b) Coal
(c) Hydrogen
(d) Petrol
0.2 Name a few fuels used in our homes.
Q.3 Name a few fuels used in trade and industry.
Q.4 What fuels are used for running automobiles?
Q.5 What is the difference between the burning of a candle and burning of a fuel like coal?
Q.6 What is combustion?
Q.7 Define a fuel?
Q.8 (i) What are the essential condition required for combustion?
(ii) What is the essential condition required for extinguishing fire?
Q.9 What are inflammable substance? Give examples.
Q.10 In what form is LPG stored in cylinders?
Q.11 Name the most common fire extinguisher?
Q.12 Water is not suitable for extinguishing fires involving electrical equipment oil and petrol. Why?
Q.13 Explain how CO2 is able to control fires?
Answered by
1. B
2. D
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