Topic: make everyday a Mandela day. Describe two ways in which the organization support the community
Here are 7 ways you can celebrate the day:
1) Make a new friend. Get to know or go to lunch with someone from a different cultural background.
2) Read to someone. Visit a library or local home for the blind or elderly.
3) Help someone get a job. Review their résumé or test their interview skills.
4) Clean up your community. Paint a mural over graffiti, help fix up a run-down playground or pick up trash.
5) Host a back-to-school drive. Help kids in your community get ready for school by having the supplies or clothing they need.
6) Offer to tutor someone. Pick a subject that you're good at and try to help someone with their learning and/or study skills in that subject.
7) Find out what matters in your neighborhood. Organize a public issues forum for you and your neighbors.
organisation supports the community