topic name truth always wins 1 para tomorrow is my exam tell me fast
what is the question say properly
The truth always wins in the end because it can never be destroyed, whereas lies are built on a fragile structure that can always be undermined by an eventual recognition of the truth. That doesn't mean that the truth wins on human timescales - because we are merely human, with all the weaknesses that implies - or that truthful people win.
Interestingly, the lies of each era are often built on an emotional response to the now-discredited lies of the previous era.
Supposedly when England ruled the world, there was a sense of innate superiority to other peoples (I am not quite sure this belief was quite as prevalent as is now painted). And political correctness and anti-colonialism has reacted against that by saying that there is no difference between peoples, or indeed between individuals - since we are all equal. Neither the old belief nor the new one are true, which isn't to say that one people or person is in a general sense superior to another.
Similarly, the adoption of inflation targeting as a guide for monetary policy came in response to the havok wreaked by those who believed in using discretionary fiscal and monetary policy to target full employment and prices and wages policies to control inflation. The belief that inflation targeting will lead to stability was based on a lie, but people were desperate to hold to it because the previous lie was then so discredited (unprestigious) and they did not see a better alternative. (There are many better alternatives, but none of them palatable to intellectual fashion of the moment).
Still, progress of a sort is being made, from the point of view of development of mankind, even if it is frustratingly muddled and confused viewed from the perspective of a single man that only has a limited time on earth. People didn't repeat the mistakes of the 1930s, either in the social or economic domain - so truth did win in a way.