Topic: Recursion
Use recursion to display the series.
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 .... N terms.
- Refer to attachment 1.
- where I is the position, d is the difference in position when 1 occurs and c is the position when 1 occurs.
- Condition: When value of i and c are equal, 1 should be printed otherwise, 0.
Language: Not mentioned.
( To be done in Java)
Approach :-
import java.util.*;
public class Challenge {
int c=1,d=2,i=1;
void printChallenge(int n){
public static void main (String ar[]){
Challenge accepted = new Challenge ();
Scanner sc=new Scanner (;
System.out.println("Enter a number");
- It is better to describe this series as nested series. As there is another series inside it.
- Refer to Attachment 1. It is found that when 1 occurs, the numbers (value of i) are 1,3,6,10,15 which is itself another series which have a difference of natural numbers beginning from 2,3,4,5...
- As mentioned in the question we have to use Recursive Function which means a function which calls itself.
- So lets proceed with the program explanation.
- Initially, c=1,d=2,i=1 (Attachment 1)
- The control will first execute main() where it create an object of class and Scanner class respectively and then accepts input which is then passed to printChallenge(int)
- The control then checks if n is 0? No, it will then execute the inner if otherwise execute the respective else statement.
- If the condition was true, it then proceed to condition of the LOGIC. If again the condition is true, it prints 1 and updates value of c,d and i.
- Otherwise, It will print 0 and call itself with new value of n (This time, n-1)
- And so on, it execute unless n becomes 0.
- Wohoo! We got the series! 101001000100001...!
• Sample I/O attached.
import java.util.Scanner;
class Series {
int term = 1, counter = 0, limit = 1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter limit - ");
(new Series()).printSeries(sc.nextInt());
void printSeries(int n) {
if (n != 0) {
System.out.print(term + " ");
if (term == 1)
if (counter == limit) {
counter = 0;
if (term == 0)
printSeries(n - 1);