toriter provaba rasayonik poriborton ghotcha somikoron
869235SI Unit of electric current is
A. volt B. ampere C,ohm meter D.ohm
2. The property of the material which obstruct the flow of current is
A. electric power B. resistance
C. electrical potential D. potential difference
3. one watt an electric current can also be represented as
A. 1J/1C B.1C/1s C.1C/1J D.1J/1s
4. Formula which in a presents Joule’s law of heating effect
A. H= IRt B. H= IR2
t C. H= IRt2 D. H= I2Rt
5. The property of the fuse wire is
A. having low resistance
B. having high resistance
C. having high resistance and low melting point having
D. high resistance and high melting point
6. The rate of current drawn from the bulb having the power 440W which is connected to
220V circuit is.
A. 2A B.3A C.4A D..5A
7. Total resistance of the registers having 15 ohm each which are connected in series is
A. 40 B. 50 C. 60 D. 100
8. Name the instrument which is used in electrical circuit
A. Bulb B. Fuse C. Ammeter D. Rheostat
9. Which of the following is measured by using an ammeter?
A. Electric power B. potential difference C. electric current D. Resistance536531
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