English, asked by SamriddhaChandra, 11 months ago

Toshiba bought 100 hens for Rs. 8000 and sold 20 of these at a gain of 5%. At what gain percent she must sell the remaining hens so as to gain 20% on the whole.

This Q is of 30 points. Hurry. answer only if you are 100%sure. No SPAMS.. spam answers will be reported and deleted. PLEASE HELPPPP !!


Answered by flower161
hi buddy

So, she bought one hen for 8000/100 = 80 each. 

gain of 5% on 80 = (1.05)(80) = 84 each 
or (20)(84) = 1680 total 

You want a total of 20% gain on 8000 = 
(1.2)(8000) = 9600 total 

You need to make 9600 - 1680 = 7920 total on the last 80 hens. 

You originally paid (80)(80) = 6400 for those hens. 

7920 / 6400 = 1.2375 
so you need 23.75% gain on the remaining hens

SamriddhaChandra: what's your surname?
flower161: bhardwaj or sharma
SamriddhaChandra: why or??,
SamriddhaChandra: people have only 1 title
flower161: i uses both
flower161: as i m brahim
flower161: brahmin
SamriddhaChandra: oooo
SamriddhaChandra: i can't understand the last step.. why did u divide7920/6400??
whoareyou7789: Yeah your question is correct
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