Math, asked by Bhaskarrathod95, 3 months ago

Total distance between Delhi to Lucknow is 480 km. A train starts running with an average speed of 60 km/
hr from Delhi to Lucknow while another train starts Journey after 120 minutes of first train and reaches
Lucknow 30 minutes before first train. If first train stops for 5 minutes on each station and second train did
not stop at any station ,then find the ratio between speed of first train to speed of second train given that total
number of station between Delhi and Lucknow are nine.?​


Answered by prajwalchaudhari


A train starts running with an average speed of 60 km/

hr from Delhi to Lucknow while another train starts Journey after 120 minutes of first train and reaches

Lucknow 30 minutes before first train. If first train stops for 5 minutes on each station and second train did

not stop at any station ,then find the ratio between speed of first train to speed of second train given that total

number of station between Delhi and Lucknow are nine

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