Chemistry, asked by daikeentan123, 5 months ago

Total magnification is the product of two values: power of eyepiece and power of


Answered by JBJ919


To figure the total magnification of an image that you are viewing through the microscope is really quite simple. To get the total magnification take the power of the objective (4X, 10X, 40x) and multiply by the power of the eyepiece, usually 10X.

Answered by franktheruler

Total magnification is the product of two values: power of eyepiece and power of objective.

  • Power of the eyepiece of a compound microscope is usually kept 10X. (It means the power of the lens is 10:1)
  • Power of the objective can be 4X, 10X, or 40X.
  • The magnification of the objective lens and eyepiece can be found on the objective and eye lens part in the form of carving.  


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