Total number of spermathecae in cockroach are (A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) 2 Pairs
6th abdominal segment of female
The spermatheca is an ectodermal organ responsible for receiving, maintaining, and releasing sperm to fertilize eggs. Generally, the spermatozoa are stored in a spermathecal bulb that is associated with a muscular duct, which controls spermatozoa release. The reservoir is lined by a layer of epithelial cells in bees. The detailed structure of the cockroach spermatheca is described and discussed firstly as an example of an insect integumentary gland, and secondly, from the standpoint of its role in reproduction.
The gland comprises a cortical rank of separate secretory units, each associated with an epithelial duct cell responsible for receiving secreted materials and transporting them through the cuticular intima lining the reproductive tract. Secretory activity is cyclic, and the probable mode of elaboration and release of secretory material is described, together with the fine structure of the markedly differing intimas associated respectively with the glandular and conducting units.
There are two large, light yellow- coloured ovaries lying laterally in the segment 4th, 5th, 6th, embedded in the fat body. Each ovary is formed of a group of eight ovarian tubules or ovarioles containing a chain of developing ova