Total surrender is not a matter of words uttered by the lips. It is an attitude of the Heart. It requires total, absolute, unconditional faith. D spirit of true surrender is born out of humility, faith n devotion. If there is anything we give up in surrender it is our lower nature, our "Almighty Tapovan Ego", our selfish interests n desires, our negative ideas, prejudices, preconceived notions,and biasis.
What is your idea of surrender? Plz reply
We create lists, systems, routines, schedules, comfort foods, comfortable environments … we build our whole lives and identities around these comforts and control. We try to control the uncontrollable evershifting landscape of our lives.Surrendering means we relax into the shifting landscape. We let go of trying to control everything, and smile with friendliness at the world as it is, beautiful and amazing.We want to control our day, so we have routines, schedules, systems. We create systems for our work, try to get control over our health through new diets or exercise programs, try to control our relationships, our future, our finances.
We create lists, systems, routines, schedules, comfort foods, comfortable environments … we build our whole lives and identities around these comforts and control. We try to control the uncontrollable evershifting landscape of our lives.Surrendering means we relax into the shifting landscape. We let go of trying to control everything, and smile with friendliness at the world as it is, beautiful and amazing.We want to control our day, so we have routines, schedules, systems. We create systems for our work, try to get control over our health through new diets or exercise programs, try to control our relationships, our future, our finances.