Toto was a pretty monkey. "In what sense is Toto pretty?
toto was pretty monkey because his eyes were bright and sparkled with mischief beneath deep set eyebrows. his teeth were wite like pearls, where very often displayed in a smile
Toto was a pretty monkey. Toto was regarded pretty with respect to the looks of a monkey which to the author were beautiful.
Ruskin Bond is an avid animal lover. In most of his stories we get interesting descriptions of animals and he finds each animal pretty, be it a chameleon, a pelican or python. In the story, ‘The Adventures of Toto’, Toto is an extremely mischievous monkey. Ruskin Bond describes it pretty as it was rather attractive according to monkey standards.
Toto had beautiful eyes sparkling with mischief beneath deep-set eyebrows. His teeth were majestically set and flashed like a bright string of pearls. He had a long attractive tail. All this made Toto a pretty monkey.