Trace out the pledge of independence that was taken on 26 January 1930
The pledge declared that Indians must enjoy their right to freedom and equality.
The pledge also declared that Indians should be allowed to alter or modify laws which take away their basic rights.
They resolved to attain " Poorna Swaraj " and cut all connections with the exploitative British government.
The pledge of independence
we believe that it is an angle enable right of the Indian people as of only other paper to have freedom and to enjoy the fruits of their oil and half the necessity of life so that they may full have full opportunities of growth food shop we believe also that if any government the price of people of this rights and impress them the people have the for the right to Alta it ok to abolish eat the government the British government in India has not only the brave the Indian people of their freedom but has base is on the exploitation of masses and has reopened India economically political culturally and spiritually we believe there for That India Was server the British connection and a 10 points of grass or complete Independence Indus India has been reopened economically the revenue Day parade from our people is out of all proportion to our income our average income per day and of the heavy taxes we pay 20% are raised from the land revenue from the pigeon tree and three person from the star tax which has most heavily on the poor.
village Industries such as a hands burning have been destroyed leaving the peasantry idol for at least four months in the year and telling their intellect for want of handicraft and nothing was been substituted as in other countries for the craft has destroyed customs and currencies have been so many populated as Tuhi for the border on the presently British 152 good constituted the block of import custom duties Patra clear party Shirley for British 1527 revenue from them is used not to listen the burden on the masses but for sustaining sustaining a highly extra virgin administration still more arbitrary has been the manipulation of the exchange ratio which has resulted in millions being trained away from the country politically India status has never been so reduce as under the British rule is mine know if humans have given real political power to the people the tallest of us have the band before 4730 the rights of free expressions of opinion and free associations have been denied to US and many of our country men are completed to live and in exile a board and cannot return in their homes administrative talent skill and the masses have been satisfied with Patti village offices and calloc shape culturally the system of education was John us from R and R training has made us hug and very change that bind Valley to compress read this element has made us anomaly and the presence of an Indian Army of occupation employed with that affect to crush in US the spirit of resistance has made us think that we cannot look after yourself or put up the defence against foreign agration or even find their homes and families for the attacks of thieves robbers and and mis currents.
we hold it to be a crime against women and got to submit any longer to a rule that was caused this for folders to our country he recognise however that the most efficient and effective way of giving a freedom is not true violence we will there for prepare Our Stars by withdrawing so far as we can all voluntary association from the British government and will prepare for civil disobedience including pay non payment of taxes we are convinced that if we can but we draw a Banyan Tree help and shop payment of taxes without doing violence even Anda provocation the end of this in human role as a short with their for hair by solemnly resolved to carry out the Congress instruction issued from time to time time for the purpose of establish Purna Swaraj.
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