Trace the changes in the understanding of democracy in the context of its expanding scope.
Answer:In simple words democracy means the liberty and freedom given to the citizens of the country.
Explanation:As India is expanding its growth at a very fast rate, so it's laws also has to be changed for the betterment and development of the country. Like-
1.Different powers and rights have been made for the women.
2.As Technology as taken place various companies laws are formed taking in mind about the company.
3. Companies are expanding their reach, so Globalization has also taken place, so that the business can be done with a ease.
Democracy is a form of decision-making political system present within a country, organization or institution, where every member holds equal power. The modern democracy attempts to bridge the gap between state of nature and the social contracts to provide equal rights to citizens, curtail power to state and grant participation through right to vote. It has two features that makes it different from the earlier form:
• The large capacity of intervention within societies
• Recognition of sovereignty by international legalistic framework