Trace the events occurring in a reflex action such as sneezing?
Events occurring in a reflex action
A reflex action is an autonomic response or reaction to a stimulus.
This response takes place without any thinking process and allows a person to react automatically to the stimulus received.
Sneezing is the autonomic reflex response to some stimulus like exposure to allergic dust, pollens, or any other external agents (nasal irritants) which upon entering the nasal pathway irritates the nasal membranes.
A reflex action is the pathway of the reflex arc which begins with the receptor cells receiving the stimulus.
The sensory neurons of the receptor cells receive the stimulus.
The stimulus is relayed to the motor neuron through the relay neurons.
The motor neuron passes the stimulus to the effector neuron in the organ affected by the stimulus which then produces the response.
Contraction of muscles, sneezing, closing of eyelids, etc are examples of reflex actions.