Trace the geographical and ethnic variations in the Balkan region in Europe. How did these
variations result in a politically volatile situation in the Balkan states during the 19th and 20th
centuries? (5 marks answer )
Balkans is the geographical and ethnic wear reated place comprising many little countries, which were broadly called as "Slavs".
It's large part was under the control of Ottoman Empire.
Romantic Nationalism in balkans grew which disintegrated the Ottoman Empire.
One by one every nationalities is broke out and declared independence.
They claimed for independence on political rights on nationality and used history to prove that they were independent.
But, the foreign powers wanted to control this area.
It became an area of intense conflict.
The states were jeolous of each other and hope to gain more territory.
European powers like Russia, Germany, England, Austria and Hungary; came for trade and for making Colonies.
Therefore, a series of war took place resulting into first world war.