trace the path taken by a pizza inside your body
Digestion begins in the mouth when we bite into our yummy pizza.
Our piece of pizza, which is now turned into a bolus, goes down our collapsible pipe called an esophagus.
Our pizza then continues to our pouch-shaped organ, the stomach.
The pancreas is a long, soft gland, behind the stomach.
5. Gallbladder
The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ that sits near the liver. These bile salts will help with the digestion of any fats from the pizza.
The liver is the largest gland in the body and has many jobs to do, where we store the fat molecules from our pizza.
Small intestine
The peristalsis movement moves the pizza into the small intestine.
After receiving our pizza in the small intestine, pancreatic juices and bile from the gallbladder will join in to help digest the pizza.
Large intestine
The large intestine is a large canal, but not quite as long as the small intestine. The remainder of the chime from the pizza will arrive in the large intestine.