Tradition against mordernity and generation gap
Generation Gap: A Challenge
In youth the days are short and the years are long; in old age the years are short and the days long.There of course exists a terminology in our everyday lives known as the generation gap.Rare are the cases and few are those families where you don’t find elders and younger ones not differing on various opinions.The concept gained its importance from the Western world but now has gained immense weightage among the occidents as well.Previously, it was the family name and status which defined a person but now it is the overall personality of the child himself or the latest gadgets and accessories that he possesses.The vocabulary of two generations would never match. The words used by both the generations and their context are completely different.Due to peer pressure or the changing needs of the hour the means of entertainment have also changed to a drastic extent and one cannot ever expect the other generation to understand that.Dedicating a lot of time and mutual respect and understanding with a lot of optimism would surely bring peace between two generations.
Tradition against modernity
Tradition and modernity are two terms used to express a whole range of differences between distant development stages in a society. Tradition will always refer to the ways of the past and modernity to what is happening at the moment or will soon happen. Hence, it is quite natural for elder to lean towards tradition whereas young people usually propagate modernity as the better option. The question is though - do we really have to choose?
Many would argue that we should keep to the traditional ways of living. On the other hand, you can also meet thousands who will say that the modernization is the only viable way for humanity to proceed forward. The truth is though that tradition and modernity are both extremely complex concepts and it's virtually impossible for a person to live by the rules of only one of them - balance seems to be the key.
Hope it help u.
With the help of this speech, I would try to let you know about one of the issue nowadays .
Generation gap is a gapping between the current generation childrens and their parents or grandparents. There are conflicts in their thinking. The thinking is totally different from each other and that's what something which makes a difference.
Generation gap can be sometime bad for the two people living in the same house. There views won't match which will cause problems. The thing which will be right to one generation will be totally wrong for the other one.
This thing somewhat affects the relationship between them. So we should atleast try to make things better for the two generation and try to solve the problems. They should try to understand each other and respect each other's thinking.