English, asked by lavlesh8, 1 year ago

translate in to english
अकबर दिल्ली का सम्राट था। उसके दरबार में बहुत से बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति थे। बीरबल उसमें से एक था। अकबर बीरबल
चाहता था। वह बीरबल के बिना कहीं बाहर नहीं जाता था। पेशावर के निकट एक युद्ध में बीरबल मारा गया। बारबल
- मारे जाने पर बादशाह बहुत दुःखी हुआ। उसने दो दिन तक भोजन नहीं किया।
nfiantWards : सम्राट = emperor. दरबार = court बहत = manv बद्धिमान = wise, व्यक्ति =​


Answered by Khansarah123


Akbar was the emperor of Delhi. There were many intelligent people in his court. Birbal was one of them. Akbar Birbal

Wanted. He did not go out without Birbal. Birbal was killed in a battle near Peshawar. Barbal . The king was very sad when Birbal was killed. He did not eat for two days.

Answered by vilnius

Akbar was the emperor of Delhi. There were many intelligent people in his court. Birbal was one of them. Akbar wanted Birbal. He did not go out without Birbal. Birbal was killed in a battle near Peshawar.The king was very sad when Birbal was killed. He did not eat for two days.


  • The translation is the process by which the sentences are changed from one language to the other.
  • It is the job of a translator to translate the given sentences into the prescribed language.
  • For doing so, a translator needs to have a well-acquitted knowledge of both the languages.
  • The given paragraph has been translated from the Hindi language to English respectively.

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