Translate into English
1. वह पढता है ।
2. वह खेलता है ।
3. वह बाजार जाती है ।
4. वह सोता है ।
5 . राम आम खाता है ।
6 . वह किताब नहीं पढता है ।
7 . वह मेरे साथ बाजार नहीं जाती है ।
8 . वह खाना नहीं खाता है ।
9 .राम आम नहीं खाता है ।
10 . वह नहीं सोता है ।
The answers to the questions given are explained below:
1. He reads.
In this sentence, the subject "वह" (he) is performing the action of reading. It is indicated by the verb "पढता है" (reads).
2. He plays.
The subject "वह" (he) is engaging in the action of playing. It is denoted by the verb "खेलता है" (plays).
3. She goes to the market.
In this sentence, the subject "वह" (she) is going to the market. It is expressed by the verb phrase "बाजार जाती है" (goes to the market).
4. He sleeps.
The subject "वह" (he) is performing the action of sleeping. It is indicated by the verb "सोता है" (sleeps).
5. Ram eats mangoes.
The subject in this sentence is "राम" (Ram) is performing the action of eating mangoes. It is denoted by the verb phrase "आम खाता है" (eats mangoes).
6. He doesn't read books.
It is a negative sentence where the subject "वह" (he) is not reading books. It is indicated by the negative phrase "नहीं पढता है" (doesn't read books).
7. She doesn't go to the market with me.
The subject "वह" (she) is not going to the market with "मेरे साथ" (me). It will be expressed by the negative phrase "नहीं जाती है" (doesn't go).
8. He doesn't eat food.
This is again a negative sentence where the subject "वह" (he) is not eating food. It is indicated by the negative phrase "नहीं खाता है" (doesn't eat food).
9. Ram doesn't eat mangoes.
The subject "राम" (Ram) is not eating mangoes. It is denoted by the negative phrase "नहीं खाता है" (doesn't eat mangoes).
10. He doesn't sleep.
The subject "वह" (he) is not sleeping. It is indicated by the negative phrase "नहीं सोता है" (doesn't sleep).