English, asked by aryansingh4495, 1 year ago

. Translate the following into English:

मैं जैसे ही प्लेटफार्म पर पहुँचा, ट्रेन चल दी। मैंने देखा कि एक आदमी ट्रेन की ओर दौड़
रहा है। मैं समझ गया कि वह चलती ट्रेन पर चढ़ना चाहता है। मैंने उसे ऐसा करने से रोका,
| किन्तु उसने मेरी बात नहीं सुनी। उसने चलती ट्रेन पर चढ़ने की कोशिश की और वह ट्रेन
| के नीचे गिर गया। ड्राइवर ने ट्रेन रोक दी किन्तु वह अभागा व्यक्ति ट्रेन के नीचे कुचल चुका
| था। हमें चलती ट्रेन पर चढ़ने का प्रयत्न नहीं करना चाहिए।​


Answered by SparshaM

Translation from Hindi to English.

As soon as I reached the platform, the train started. I saw a man who was running towards the moving train. I understood that he wanted to get up into the moving train. I tried to stop him to do that but he didn't listen my words. He tried and fell under the train. Driver stopped the train but that very unfortunate fellow was already crushed or sliced by the wheels of train. We should never try this.

Answered by upenderjoshi28

No sooner had I reached the station than the train chugged out of the station. I saw a man running after the train. I immediately understood he wanted to get on the moving train. I advised him against it. However, he ignored my caution. As he tried to board the moving train, he fell down on the track. The driver of the train immediately applied the brakes to stop the train. Unfortunately, the poor man had been mutilated by the moving train. We should always avoid trying to get on a moving train.

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