English, asked by sunitasingla89, 6 months ago

Translate the following paragraph into English:
भारत मेरा देश है। मैं अपने देश को आगे बढ़ता हुआ देखना चाहता हूँ। मेरी कोशश है कि मैं देश के हर
नागरिक को इसके लिए प्रेरित करू। देश प्रेम ही सबसे उत्तम प्रेम है।​


Answered by aparnasamantara771


India is my country. I want to see my country moving forward. I try to

Motivate the citizen for this. Desh Prem is the best love....

Answered by aradhanatiwari9795


Here is your answer


India is my country. I want to see my country moving forward. I try to

India is my country. I want to see my country moving forward. I try toMotivate the citizen for this. Desh Prem is the best love.

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