Translate the following paragraph into English :
एक जंंगल में चार साँड रहते थे । वे गहरे दोस्त थे । वे साथ-साथ चरते थे और एक-दूसरे की सहायता करते थे । उनकी एकता को देखकर जंगल का राजा शेर भी उनसे डरता था । उन पर आक्रमण करने का उसमें साहस न था । अन्त में उसने साँडों को मार डालने का एक तरीका ढूँढ़ निकाला ।
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Four bulls lived in a forest. They were deep friends. They grazed together and assisted each other. Seeing their unity, the lion king of the forest was also afraid of them. He did not have the courage to attack them. Finally he found a way to kill the bulls.
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